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AI becomes the surprising ally in the fight against misinformation

AI’s potential to combat conspiracy theories challenges the narrative of its role in spreading misinformation.

Artificial intelligence has been portrayed as a double-edged sword. On one hand, it is hailed as a transformative force across industries, enhancing efficiency and driving innovation. On the other, it is seen as a growing threat, capable of generating misinformation, fake news, and deepfakes at scale.

This perception of AI as a purveyor of falsehoods is not without merit. Large language models, with their ability to synthesise vast amounts of data, can indeed be manipulated to spread convincing but entirely fabricated narratives.

Yet, recent research published in Science suggests a more optimistic view of AI’s potential in the battle against misinformation—specifically, conspiracy theories.

The study, led by researchers at MIT, challenges the prevailing assumption that AI is a threat to the truth and instead posits that AI could serve as an unexpectedly powerful tool in curbing conspiracy beliefs. The findings are as intriguing as they are counterintuitive.

Debunking conspiracy theories, AI-style

The study in question focused on whether AI chatbots—powered by large language models—could effectively reduce belief in popular but unevidenced conspiracy theories.

Over 2,000 participants who endorsed various conspiratorial ideas, ranging from the 9/11 attacks being staged to claims of fraud in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, engaged in debates with AI bots. Rather than simply restating facts, these bots generated nuanced counter-evidence tailored to the specific claims made by each individual.

The result? A 20% drop in self-rated belief in conspiracies, which persisted for at least two months after the interaction. The researchers noted that even the most steadfast conspiracy believers showed increased openness to evidence.

Image: Financial Times

This suggests that, contrary to the widely held view that once someone "falls down the rabbit hole" they are unreachable, minds can indeed be changed—even by an AI.

One of the key factors contributing to this success was the ability of AI to rapidly retrieve and synthesise specific information. Unlike human interlocutors, the chatbot had instant access to a wealth of verified data and could respond with precision, directly addressing the claims made by the conspiracy theorists.

Furthermore, despite AI’s own susceptibility to generating misinformation—what is often termed "hallucination"—a professional fact-checker found 99.2% of the AI’s responses to be accurate.

Politeness not required

One might assume that the bots’ effectiveness lay in their ability to engage in polite and non-confrontational discourse, avoiding the scorn that conspiracy theorists often encounter in real-life interactions. Interestingly, the researchers tested this hypothesis by prompting the AI to give fact-based corrections "without the niceties."

The outcome? The factual, brusque responses worked just as well. This suggests that the success of the intervention lies not in the tone, but in the AI’s ability to present facts systematically and with relevance to the specific argument at hand.

The implications are profound. While efforts to combat misinformation typically involve broad public campaigns or mass debunking of popular myths, this study underscores the potential of a more personalised, targeted approach—one that AI can scale effectively.

AI: Part of the problem or part of the solution?

The findings come at a critical time when concerns about AI’s role in amplifying misinformation are mounting. Tools like ChatGPT and similar language models have the capacity to generate believable falsehoods, which can then spread rapidly online. This has led to a growing chorus of voices warning about the unintended consequences of unchecked AI proliferation.

However, the MIT study suggests that AI, when properly deployed, could be part of the solution rather than the problem. By countering conspiracy theories with factual, evidence-based responses tailored to individual claims, AI has the potential to reduce the spread of misinformation. Moreover, it could do so on a scale that far exceeds the capacity of human fact-checkers or public information campaigns.

Yet, challenges remain. While the study demonstrates the effectiveness of AI in addressing established conspiracy theories, it does not account for the constant evolution of new conspiracies. Nor does it solve the issue of engaging individuals who harbour deep distrust of scientific institutions and are unlikely to interact with an AI chatbot in the first place.

A future of misinformation combat?

Despite these limitations, the research paints a brighter picture of how AI could be deployed in the future. The rise of generative AI models has understandably raised alarms about their potential to undermine truth. However, the same technology—when paired with thoughtful design and rigorous fact-checking—could prove instrumental in recalibrating misinformed beliefs.

If this approach can be refined and scaled, it may offer a path towards mitigating the corrosive effects of misinformation and conspiracy theories in a way that human interventions have struggled to achieve.

For now, the study serves as a reminder that the same technologies that disrupt can also be repurposed for good. In the ongoing battle between truth and misinformation, AI could yet emerge as an unexpected ally.